What is Helios Technologies' stock symbol?

Helios Technologies is traded under the symbol HLIO on the NYSE stock exchange.

When was Helios Technologies incorporated?

Helios Technologies (formerly known as Sun Hydraulics) was incorporated in 1970 in Sarasota, FL.

When did Helios Technologies become a public company?

Helios Technologies (formerly known as Sun Hydraulics) went public on January 9, 1997 and the initial offering price per share was $9.50.

Where is Helios Technologies' corporate headquarters located?

7456 16th St E
Sarasota, FL 34243

Who is Helios Technologies' transfer agent?

Computershare Investor Services
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 43006
Providence RI 02940-3006

Courier Delivery:
150 Royall St., Suite 101
Canton, MA 02021

Who is Helios Technologies' independent auditor?

Grant Thornton LLP
101 E Kennedy Blvd
Suite 3850
Tampa, FL 33602

Does Helios Technologies pay a dividend?

Helios Technologies has paid a dividend every quarter since becoming a public company.

When am I entitled to stock and cash dividends?

When a company declares a dividend, it sets a record date when you must be on the company's books as a shareholder to receive the dividend. Companies also use this date to determine who is sent proxy statements, financial reports, and other information. Once the company sets the record date, the stock exchanges or the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. fix the ex-dividend date. The ex-dividend date is normally set for stocks two business days before the record date. If you purchase a stock on its ex-dividend date or after, you will not receive the next dividend payment. Instead, the seller gets the dividend. If you purchase before the ex-dividend date, you get the dividend. For further information, please follow this link to the SEC website. http://www.sec.gov/answers/dividen.htm.